Sanshin Patto Kuru Reservation

Call us 098-963-7799

Please fill out the following form and click “confirm”.
The player will directly contact you at a later point.

(You may not hear from the player should your requested date is too close. It would be appreciated if you could make a reservation well in advance.)

Name required
Phone Number required
Email Address required
Performing Permission of the Venue required
Name of the Venue required
Venue Address required
Confirmation of transportation expenses required

Nago city, Motobu town, Nakijin village, Ogimi village, Higashi village, Kunigami village, Yomitan village, Onna village, Ginoza village, Kin town, Uruma city require transportation fee ¥ 3,000.

Number of you required
Date required
Time required :
Player Preference required
Receipt Address to
Other Requests
(Please list the names of the music you wish to be played, if any.)